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        • 喜訊|上饒市建筑科技產(chǎn)業(yè)園再添一項新榮譽(yù)——杜鵑花獎!


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        • 最美逆行者——李春光


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        • 贛州市發(fā)改委調研組赴經(jīng)開(kāi)區文化藝術(shù)中心項目調研指導

          2021年8月5日,贛州市發(fā)展和改革委員會(huì )調研組帶隊,同經(jīng)開(kāi)區經(jīng)濟發(fā)展局,贛州廣播電視臺,客家新聞網(wǎng)相關(guān)負責人前往贛州文化藝術(shù)中心項目部實(shí)地調研專(zhuān)項債使用情況,現場(chǎng)協(xié)調解決推進(jìn)過(guò)程中存在的難點(diǎn)。

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      2. The underground ancillary facilities of Harbin Taipin International Airport of Heilongjiang Province
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        The underground ancillary facilities of Harbin Taipin International Airport of Heilongjiang Province
        According to the demand of handing capacity of 18 million passengers at the year 2020, 175 thousands tons of cargo and the design requirement of 141,000 take-offs and landings per year, Haibin Taipin International Airport will be formally expanded with a total investment of 4.619 million yuan, covering a newly built T2 with 166,000 square meters and a formal terminal which will be expanded from the 66,000 sauqre metersto more than 100,000 square meters, and the newly buil 45 occupancies for airplane.
      3. Sewage-treatment plant in wangcheng New District, Nangchang City, Jiangxi Province
        Municipal public
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        Sewage-treatment plant in wangcheng New District, Nangchang City, Jiangxi Province
        With the construction area of 10065 square meters, the project involved sewage treatment plant, office complex, oxidation ditch and secondary sedimentation tank in wangcheng New District of Nangchang City.
      4. Vehicle Landscape Corridor Bridge and Chinese Waterfront Street in Xixiang County,Hangzhou City,Shaanxi Province
        Municipal public
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        Vehicle Landscape Corridor Bridge and Chinese Waterfront Street in Xixiang County,Hangzhou City,Shaanxi Province
        The project total cost is 232 million yuan, it located in core zone of Xixiang County of Hangzhong City, go corss Muma River 256*52 meters, three composite bridges with independent foundations are adopted in the bridge body, including a Class A Highway Bridge of 16 meters width in center, a gallery bridge 18 meters wide on each side, building area is 11000 square meters on bridge. The appearance of the project adopts Han-Tang Style with solemnity and diginity, it will be the Asia's Largest Vehicle Landscape Commercial Corridor Bridge.
      5. Cross-River Tunnel of Longyao Road, Shanghai
        Municipal public
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        Cross-River Tunnel of Longyao Road, Shanghai
        The tunnel connecting two sides of Huangpu River is about 4 kilometers with two holes and four lanes,which is regarded as the supporting project of Shanghai World Expo. The main road line is designed with a speed of 50 kilometers per hour.
      6. Longtan Hydropower Station in Guangxi Province
        Water Resources and Hydropower
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        Longtan Hydropower Station in Guangxi Province
        As the "West-to-East Power Tansmission" landmark project and the key project of the western development,Longtan Hydropower Station is the second largest hydropower station in China following the Three Gorgers Hydropower Station. The design water level is 400 meters, the dam height is 216.5 meters, the dam crest length is 836 meters, the storage capacity is 27.3 billion cubic meters, the installed capacity is 6.3 million kilowatts, and the annual power generation capacity is 18.7 billion kilowatt-hours.
      7. 一本大道香蕉中文在线|久久这里只有精品首页|无码在线一区二区三区|一道本国产不卡视频|久久久久亚洲AV片无码|最新亚洲一区二区三区四区|精品国产Av无码久久久伦

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