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        The company’s board of supervisors operates in a standardized and effective manner, conducts supervision work in accordance with laws and regulations, and forms an advanced and standardized operation mode of corporate governance with clear levels, supervision and coordination, and efficient execution, while giving full play to the daily supervision and guidance functions of the board of supervisors.

        Multi-channel protection of supervisors' right to know
        In accordance with regulations, members of the company’s board of supervisors attend important meetings of the company’s board of directors and shareholders’ meetings as non-voting delegates; in addition to supervising the discussion, decision-making and implementation of major business matters of the company, the company’s management actively invites to participate in various important business meetings; Expand the sources of daily information through mail, telephone and other channels.

        Combination of on-site inspection and off-site inspection
        The Board of Supervisors conducts on-site inspections of its subsidiaries through the internal audit and inspection department; conducts comprehensive and special inspections on subordinate companies at all levels every year to check key businesses such as cost control, development quality, internal control construction, financial management, and marketing.

        Giving full play to the professional advantages of auditing and integrating supervision power
        The daily supervision of the board of supervisors is organically combined with the actual operation evaluation of the enterprise; the supervision is normalized, the supervision and evaluation are concrete, and the supervision and rectification are deepened.

        Joint external supervision to build a seamless supervision system
        Strengthen the internal and external supervision system, maintain close communication, and give full play to the professionalism, pertinence, and independence of their respective supervision fields; form a multi-level supervision system with comprehensive coverage, coordination, and control; through the external supervision mechanism and the company's internal audit and inspection Division of labor and coordination, complement each other, and build a seamless internal and external supervision system for the operation of the company's board of supervisors.

        Inspector team leader’s mailbox:zhoujh@hsjy.com

        Deputy head ChengCheng:

        Inspector Team LiuXu:

        Inspector Team ChengJing:

        Inspectorate JinHui:

        Scan the QR code on WeChat

        WeChat scan the QR code for WeChat report, real-time query report progress


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